99% of all internet usage starts at one place, Google. We've partnered with Google to develop the #1 way to get your website on the 1st page of google in less than 3 months.
Magnet researches the top performing keywords for your industry on day 1 of starting your SEO Journey. These are the words people are searching for most often when going to look for your product or service.
Step 2: Magnet pulls all of your competitor keyword data to see what keywords they're ranking for. In the next month, when someone Google searches your competitors brand name guess who's website pops up? Yours.
Step 3: Magnet uses our proprietary AI to pull all of your competitor sitemap data. This pulls all of the images, placements, videos and files on your competitors site and the relationship between them. This file can be over 10 Terabytes of data depending on your industry.
Step 4: Magnet uses the same proprietary AI to read all of the data gathered and generate tens of thousands of articles on several websites back-linked to your domain. Rinse and Repeat DAILY. As long as you run Magnet SEO, you will rank on Googles 1st page bringing you 10-20x more clients (not just traffic) to your website landing you more business.
This all may of been really confusing. It wasn't meant to be easy, let Magnet do the heavy lifting while you focus on what you're best at. Running your business.
We have transitioned our earliest clients to utilize the most modern techniques in digital marketing; where long-standing enterprises were once using door-to-door and snail mail methods, we have consolidated their outreach to SEO, Google Ads, and Meta Ads. Through the strategies implemented by Magnet, our clients have experienced increases in monthly revenue as high as 200%. Our data can be reviewed upon selection of our Case Studies tab.